
Saturday, April 7, 2012

How You Read What I Said

Sooo, what do I do when I'm not blogging...?

I'm a working class "professional classroom manager" ~ aka, substitute teacher. It feeds my need for variety and entertainment. It also presents opportunities for playing the mentor role while having a more independent lifestyle. In other words, I can just say no. Ironically, I have never once said no to any assignment unless I was committed to working elsewhere. In all my years of letting go and letting the Universe just take me for a spin in its own vehicle at its own speed, I realize I would have missed out on some adventurous moments if I hadn’t enthusiastically anticipated the answer to “Where to now?” ~ instead of "Are we there yet?"

Subbing also offers an arena where the performer in me gets to interact with a very broad audience ~ much of the time with behaviorally challenged kids. I love them all most of the time and most of them all of the time ;-) Some of them may even be dropping by to visit me online and to check and see if I'm writing about them.

I have an archive full of stories stored in my memory bank. There are so many that I've had to open other branches, just to keep the stories neatly filed and accessible.
I make withdrawals whenever I need a good laugh or when I want to loan out some life lessons learned. However, when I go to tell these tales, I'll have to carefully camo-clothe some of the true life characters with anonymity. I don’t want to be a tattletale ~ just a Bank of Memories tale-teller (hardy-har).

You can find me other places online. I'm the only Google-able Joanne Dagonese who comes up on the first page of every search engine. How did I get so lucky with that name? As a singer-songwriter with a YouTube channel, I perform cover songs of classic hits. Sometimes I get classically hit with the urge to dance and want to inspire channel viewers to bust some dance moves with me. Little did I know, after all these years, that’s one way I’ve been  “raising my vibrations”  ~ a phrase that is slowly becoming part of my vocabulary bank, borrowed from Awakened Consciousness lingo.

Most of my videos are done in my wannabe home recording studio with low-tech devices that may be evolving into more sophistication. I may be blogging on some of them from time to time, as well as linking blog posts to those videos. You’ll also be introduced to my BFF boyfriend ~ a very talented singer-songwriter… More about him, me and how we became us….later!

Oh, and btw, I'm also "for hire" on a freelance website. However, I'll never present myself in the light of the "starving artist" cliché. Really now, that's a little much. Most artists are really just starving for attention. Not me ~ I give myself all the attention I want and need out of life.

I believe in the Law of Attraction and in recent years, I've come into a more practical understanding of how to consciously make it work for me. I've realized, too, within the past two decades, that I'm here now in this moment in this lifetime mainly for the ride. So, if you haven't guessed it by now, I write metaphorically, mostly because I think metaphysically.

Now, here comes the fun punch-line part. I may often lead you to believe that whatever I write about is "all about me" when in actuality, it's all about you and how you just READ WHAT I SAID or READ WHAT I SEED. I’d like to encourage all of you sleeping creative giants to come out of hiding, and get your own boxes. Create your profiles for blogs, channels and portfolios to share. Just get into your creative mode and let your whims waken you to who you are and why you’re here.

(Tah-dah ~ 655 words ~ not counting this word count)

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