
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Friday the 13th Was SO Two Days Ago ~ And Yesterday ~ And Today ~ And…

En route to work early Friday morning, practicing deep breathing exercises, and I hear a text coming in. Next red light I’ll read it. My 15-year-old daughter texts, “It’s Friday the 13th. There goes your bad luck.” No, she’s not putting a hex on me. Rewind to 15 minutes earlier, as I’m getting dressed for work.

I’m in my CSL mode ~ Cussing as a Second Language ~ and she’s the only one in earshot. It happens so seldom these days, that when it does kick in, it’s like an anomaly. So, why today?  It’s like my brain receptors magnetized every negative vibe that could possibly make its way past my filter. They enter my stream of consciousness and explode right out of my mouth.
“What the BLEEP…?!!! My favorite jeans are tight! What’s up with this…?!!! Now I have to BLEEPing change into my BLEEPing stretch sweats… and that changes everything else I BLEEPing planned to wear… Shoes, jacket…! At this point, I’m not even aware of the date. I just know I’m on a roll, and I’m not about to stop ~ not yet…

“I’ve gotta wear the same BLEEPing boots I already wore three days this week. Listen to me…! Now I sound like a BLEEPing fashion diva, and I’m SO not a diva...! Who the BLEEP is gonna care anyway? I’m working at BLEEPing girls’ juvie… They all wear the same clothes as each other every BLEEPing day...!”

By the time I puked out that last BLEEP, I was aware of the fact that my daughter was standing there frozen speechless and gawking at me like she was about to do a Google search for an exorcist. That should have been the cue to push the QUIT NOW button on my rampage. But no, I’m not done BLEEPing out all the reasons I’m so BLEEPing pissed...

“I work-out almost every BLEEPing day…! I eat BLEEPing health foods...!  Why do I BLEEPing bother…? I might as well go back to eating all the stuff they BLEEPing tell us not to eat…! Who the BLEEP made them the health food police, anyway…? Now I’m BLEEPing running late, and I was even up BLEEPing earlier than normal… I even had time to make a BLEEPing healthy smoothie. So, what the BLEEP…?!!!”

Instead of pushing QUIT NOW and UNWIND, I push REWIND and REPLAY. It was like listening to a sound bite from my former days of obsession with weight and body image. I put my favorite comfortable waterproof boots on, and start to zip… What…?! Seriously..?!!! Are you BLEEPing serious…?!!! The BLEEPing zipper’s stuck…!”

An incoming text helps snap me out of it…It's my friend’s daughter, who I had told I’d take to school because of the forecast for rain ~ “What time are you leaving..?”

“Oh, BLEEP, I almost forgot…!” Her text is really a smooth intervention from the Universe. It's also a wake-up call to remember that this kind of venting never got me anywhere. “Okay, Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Universe, Spirit Guide ~ whatever you want us to call you these days… I give…! I need some help here… So, would you PLEASE help me out…? I’ll deal with this later… Just get me out the door on time…”
I ignore the fashion police voice in my head shouting, "Step away from the heel boots, and no one gets hurt...! I put them on anyway. Then I get the thought to take the other ones with me. Oh yeah, I’ll have Jasmine try and fix them on the way to her school. Jasmine tries to be helpful, but a 14-year-old only has so much patience for other people's stuck zippers. That’s about the time I get the text from my daughter.

As she reminds me that it’s Friday the 13th, I remind myself that I’m not STUPIDstitious, and that while I was engaged in my pissy-fit, I forgot how every Friday the 13th is my opportunity to shine and demonstrate how to turn “bad” luck into “good.” “Oh yeah…!” I knew I could, and I would… Somewhere in the next 20 minutes, there‘s a red light long enough to help me unstick that stuck zipper… And by the time I get to work, I change into my favorite boots. Yay, me...! Now, I’m actually looking forward to anything that might come at me this day… “Bring it…!”
It turned out to be a perfect Friday the 13th. I gave the girls one of my number messages to decode using the Alpha-Code I had taught them ~ 9  14  562  12379412929631.  699417  285  2899255528  91  1312  1562859  9573319  417  669  45  26  395125  47  655  3332. Then they had to use the decoded message to journal a writing prompt ~ True or false? Explain why or why not? They’re actually pretty good at it, and they love the mental challenge. They also had some very reflective responses.

So, my point ~ and I do have one ~ is that, no matter what the date is on the calendar, the power to create our own luck rests in our own state of mind and being. Yes, I know all about dark paranormal events that cannot be explained away through positive thinking, but I do think they can be explained away by negative thinking patterns. So, if you're still trying to cross over to live on the lighter side of life, pay more attention to the thought patterns that keep you pushing REWIND and REPLAY. Look for the messages the Universe is trying to have you decode.

If you care to decode my message, the Alpha-Code is base numbers 1 through 9. Under each number, write one letter ~ A through Z. It will look like this: 1= AJS ~ 2= BKT ~ 3= CLU ~ 4= DMV ~ 5 = ENW ~ 6= FOX ~ 7= GPY ~ 8= HQZ ~ 9= IR. Post the decoded message in the comment box below.

(995 words ~ just under 1,000 ~ cutting it close!)

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